Sweet Adelines chapters are committed to musical education so that each member can become the best possible musician. Education is provided weekly at rehearsals by the director and her assistants, but also by professional coaches hired by the chorus, and by regional weekend events held during the year. For members who want to challenge themselves outside the chorus, there are opportunities to form quartets, to enroll in the Director Certification Program, to learn to arrange music in the barbershop style, or to assume administrative roles. Not only does Shades of Harmony provide a way to showcase our musical abilities, it also offers opportunities to grow professionally. There are always openings on our leadership team.

We give about 20 public performances throughout the year at nursing homes, street fairs, private parties, civic events, and other local affairs, as well as an annual show.
We rehearse weekly, year-round, every Tuesday evening from 7:00-9:30 PM, at the Whitehall School in Williamstown, NJ. Come join us at a rehearsal to see what we're all about! Visit a rehearsal.